Buy lavender kush


 This strain, sometimes referred to as Lavender Kush, has dense buds that give off a floral and spicy aroma.

lavender kush

Lavender, also known as “Lavender Kush,” is an indica marijuana strain. Built from strains around the world, Lavender by Soma Seeds has its origins from Super Skunk, Big Skunk Korean and Afghani Hawaiian. According to growers, this strain has dense buds that give off a floral and spicy aroma. It has a dark purple coloration at the ends of its leaves.

Lavender is a predominately Indica hybrid with rich purple leaves. It won the High Times Cannabis Cup in 2005.

lavender kush strain

The strain hits hard and can knock inexperienced users out for the night. Those with more experience will feel a mild euphoria, strong hunger, and a lazy tingly body high that is described as sedating. Common negative effects may include dry eyes and mouth as well as dizziness. Some users may also experience paranoia or anxiety with higher doses.

Because of the strong drowsiness produced by this strain, it is recommended for evening or nighttime use, making it a good choice for those suffering from insomnia. Lavender Kush is often recommended to relieve chronic mild to severe aches and pains. It is also an excellent medication for stress and anxiety relief (although it is still recommended for evening consumption). It is also prescribed for chronic migraines and to stimulate appetite

Lavender Kush is bred by Soma Seeds and is a cross between a Lavender (Indica) and a Kush of unknown origins. The strain grows well indoors in the Sea of Green setup, with a shortened vegetative period for height control. It also grows well outside in temperate climates. The strain flowers for 65 to 70 days. The yield is smaller with this strain, usually around 150 grams per square meter.


Built from strains around the world, Lavender by Soma Seeds has its origins from Super Skunk, Big Skunk Korean and Afghani Hawaiian. This strain, sometimes referred to as Lavender Kush, has dense buds that give off a floral and spicy aroma. It has a dark purple coloration at the ends of its leaves.


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